Accredited Practitioner Register Registration Policy
This policy governs the application process and conditions for registration to the Accredited Practitioner Register™ (the “Register”).
The application process covers the end to end process for an individual through to registration. This includes commitments to the ethics and standards of the Register, provision of copies of appropriate supporting information, and proof of appropriate qualifications or agreement to defined levels of equivalence. These steps are outlined in the following paragraphs, 1 to 7.
1. Commitments
Accredited Practitioner’s (PSA) are bound by the requirements of registration laid out in Declaration of Compliance on the application form, which includes:
- the Ethical Basis for Good Practice in Equine Facilitated Interactions
- the Framework of Professional Standards
- the defined levels of Continued Professional Development
- the Duty of Candour, and
- the Framework for the Ethical Treatment for Horses.
Applicants must have read and confirmed your commitment to all these as part of your membership application, and on each annual renewal thereof.
2. Policies and Procedures
Applicants to the Register are expected to provide copies of their own supporting policy and procedure documentation, including:
- general terms and conditions
- data protection/privacy policy
- data retention policy
- complements and complaints policy
- safeguarding policy
- client waiver form
- current professional indemnity insurance
- copies of appropriate risk assessment(s)
- copies (where appropriate) of up to date DBS checks are in place (or regional equivalent)
- practitioners are also expected to hold up to date first-aider qualifications, unless able to prove that when working there will always be a qualified first-aider onsite.
- Compliance with any required Local Authority requirement licensing is in place (or confirmed as not) required in line with The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018
Any renewals, updates or revisions to the above will need to be provided on renewal.
3. Confirmations and Commitments
As part of the application (and renewal) process applicants will need to confirm and/or commit to:
- signed and dated agreement to the Declaration of Compliance
- confirmation that client waivers and session records are being maintained
- record of supervision undertaken over the preceding 12 months (not required for first year, you will have to provide these each year when you renew your membership).
- statement of completed CPD hours in the last 12 months (not required for first year, you will have to recommit to these each year when you renew your membership).
- confirmation that they have never been the subject of formal disciplinary findings, upheld complaints or suspended from any professional or regulatory body.
4. Education & Training Requirements
Application to the Register requires that a practitioner needs to have successfully completed an accredited or recognised qualification in Equine Facilitated Interactions in line with the Register’s Standards of Education and Training.
These standards define the requirements of the Register in terms of what is considered as appropriate in terms of minimum and appropriate levels of qualification for membership.
5. Site visits supporting the application process
In some cases it may be required for a site visit to be undertaken in support of an individul application to the Register. To find out more about why we might undertake a site visit and what that will involve please read our SIte Visit Policy,
6. Equivalent Counselling & Psychotherapy Practice
For those seeking to register the provision of Equine Facilitated Interactions supported by therapeutic practices (i.e. Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy, Equine Facilitated Therapy or Equine Facilitated Counselling) copies of appropriate professional qualifications need to be supplied along with their application, as well as confirmation of any other accredited register memberships.
7. UK and non-UK applications
Successful applications from practitioners resident in the UK (“Accredited Practitioners (PSA)”) will be eligible to use the Athena Herd Foundation Accredited Practitioner Register logo with the PSA Accredited Register Quality Mark.
Non-UK applications (Registered Practitioners (Athena)) will be provided by a Registered Practitioner logo. Registered Practitioners (Athena) are not able to use the PSA Accredited Register Quality Mark.
More information about logos and their use is available in the Athena Herd Foundation Brand Protection and Guidance Policy.
8. Requests for Equivalence Decisions
Applicants who do not hold a qualification recognised by the Register can request an equivalence decision review.
For non-Athena, and non-regulated qualifications we will undertake a review if requested. The Register’s approach to such reviews is defined under the framework for Defining Education Standards,
The outcome of any review will be confirmed by the Advisory Board.
Alternatively, the Register recognises that there will be competent practitioners who simply wish to apply individually. In such cases the Register offers a Certificate of Proficiency that can be completed to prove appropriate professional practices and skills that align to the obligations of Register membership.
Please email us if you are interested in either of these options.
Internet, Website and Social Media Searches
As part of the application process an internet, website and social media search will be undertaken. These searches will be undertaken in the context of the commitments defined under paragraph 1 (above).
The aim of these searches is understanding the management of the public facing messages produced by the applicant and the appropriateness of those communications from the Register’s perspective. These will consider such fundamentals as professional practice, promotion of service and qualifications, and equine care.
Any issues or concerns arising from these searches will be raised directly with the applicant. Where these are considered to be at odds with registration’s commitments then the applicant will be provided the opportunity to rectify before their application is confirmed.
Registration Process and Decisions
All applications for registration will be reviewed in line with this policy.
Applicants will be supported in providing complete and appropriate documentation and policies by the Registrar, or another designated representative. All documentation provided will be reviewed to ensure that everything is of sufficient standard and completeness to support registration.
When deemed satisfactory and complete then the application will be proposed for approval and advised to the Register’s Advisory Board. When Advisory Board meetings are not imminent, i.e. within one calendar month, proposals for membership (and any declined applications) will be shared via email with agreed members of the committee for confirmation.
All intervening agreements will be provided in summary to the next meetings.
Where applicants prove unable to satisfy the requirements of membership for whatever reason they will be advised by email with a clear outline of the reasoning behind the decision. All applicants will have the right to appeal any application decisions in line with the Register’s Appeals Policy.
Registration Fees
Application: £ 75
Annual membership: £ 125
Document Ownership and Review
This policy is owned by the Accredited Practitioner Register Advisory Board and will be reviewed on an annual (or as necessarily arising) basis.
For the purposes of version control this document is as dated in the page footer.
Version | Initials | Description | Version Date |
1 | GG | Initial Draft | November 2022 |
2 | GG | Update following review with PSA | February 2023 |
3 | GG | Revisions in line with actions on accreditation | February 2024 |
4 | GG | Addition of detail for Site Visits | December 2024 |