Equine Assisted Services Training Programmes
Why train with the Athena Herd Foundation?
The Athena Herd Foundation journey started with us developing an environment centred around our herd of horses. We focused on our horses physical and emotional health and well being. As a result, we have created an authentic safe environment for you. We are passionate about sharing this authentic learning and development space with you. Equine ethology and horses are emcompassed within the learning.
You and the horses are at the heart of everything that we do. We look to develop your existing knowledge and experience, our training programmes have been designed to build upon the foundation of your existing practice or business. Whether you are a health care professional, riding instructor, coach, teacher, social worker or just have an interest in the Equine Assisted Services work.
Moreover, at the outset we made a conscious decision about our pricing. We set out to deliver very high standard yet affordable training programmes in an authentic environment. In other words, our price is not a reflection of the quality of our training nor the continud investment into it that we make.
You do not have to pay any annual membership or license fees nor subscriptions to stay in touch and be part of our community. The Athena Herd Foundation does not operate an annual license fee nor does it look to regulate your practice. This is the role of Professional Memberships and Accredited Registers. the
External validation of our Training Programmes
It is not just us at the Athena Herd Foundation that recognises the strength and quality of our workshops, Level 2 Foundation Certificate, Level 4 and 5 Equine Assisted Services Diplomas, and Level 7 PG Cert. training programmes.
All courses in our portfolio have been externally accredited by the ACCPH. This accreditation provides assurance that our training programmes are of the highest standard. In other words, they closely follow the benchmarks set by OFQUAL and the Open & Distance Learning Quality Council. ACCPH will invite you to join in your own right on successful completion of our training programmes.
In Addition to the ACCPH our Level 2 Foundation Certificate and Level 4 Equine Assisted Services Diploma are IACP CPD Recognised. The Foundation Certificate equals 42 IACP CPD and the Diploma equals 158 IACP CPD points.
Trauma Informed Learning
Athena® is committed to maintaining trauma informed awareness and practice in all activities. This is reflected in the content and delivery of its training programmes. Trauma sensitivity is a particularly essential skill in the facilitation of Equine Assisted Services.
Trauma Informed Practice provides a framework of understanding against which we might recognise and respond to the potential impact of individual trauma on people’s response(s) and reaction(s) in the moment. Thereby facilitating the provision of physical, psychological, and emotional safety at all times.
The somatic and mindful nature of the work means that maintaining a practice that trauma informed and aware. In support of this awareness our courses explore practically, from both personal and professional perspectives, related topics such as emotional intelligence, literacy and regulation, polyvagal theory and somatic awareness.
The Athena Herd Foundation Training Team
We look to welcome those of you that train with us into our unique supportive community. We are a community that is passionate about embracing each others strengths. Most noteworthy, in addition to our Equine Assisted Services experiences we also excel in Horses, Ethology, Training, Coaching, Advisory, Business, Legal, Equitation, Psychotherapy and Counselling skills, supervision, clinical supervision and mentors.
Train with us for a unique 360 degree learning experience. Above all, you will have the opportunity to develop new and complementary skills and practices as Equine Assisted and Facilitated Practitioners within Equine Assisted Services.
Level 2 Foundation Certificate in Equine Assisted Services
You can take our externally accredited ACCPH and IACP CPD recognised Level 2 Foundation Certificate in Equine Assisted Services as a standalone Foundation Certificate. You will need to successfully complete four days of on-site learning or you can take this course as an interactive experiential distance learning option. Please note that whilst insurance can be obtained to operate with this Foundation Certificate and professional membership may be offered by the ACCPH, Athena recommends completion up to a minimum of a Level 4 Diploma is achieved which is also a minimum requirement for the Accredited Practitioner Register. Contact us for more information.
Level 4 and 5 Equine Assisted Services Diplomas
You must complete the Level 2 Foundation Certificate in Equine Assisted Services before continuing with the externally accredited Level 4 and subsequently Level 5 Equine Assisted Services Diplomas.
We expect that you will need approximately nine to ten months in total to complete all componenets of the Level 4 Equine Assisted Services Diploma, and an additional three to six months to complete the further requirements for the Level 5 Equine Accredited Services Diploma. These qualifications are a mix of both direct and interactive experiential distance learning, although, can be completed on a fully remote basis. We will also provide you with full support, an online training platform, mentoring and supervision throughout your training experience.
The Diplomas build on the theory and knowledge you gained on the Foundation Certificate, as well as core practical experiential skills. Our training programmes are designed so that you can successfully look to develop and build your own unique practice or business. We are here to support you both during and after completion of our training programmes no matter where in the World you are located.
The externally accredited Level 5 Equine Assisted Services Diploma is principally about individual research and extended case-study work which is supplemented by topic work drawn from the optional elective topics tailored for your unique journey available also on the Level 4 Equine Assisted Services Diploma learners.
The Level 2 Foundation Certificate and Level 4 Diploma is externlly accredited by the ACCPH and recognisd for CPD by the iacp.

Level 7 PG Certificate in Equine Assisted Services
Athena Herd Foundation offers an externally accredited Level 7 PG Certificate in Equine Assisted Services. This is a year-long qualification which focusses on supervised individual independent research and analysis. There are also two short taught modules which focus on the skills required to develop your own research project, and ensuring effective and appropriate tools can be engaged to assess and analyse the impact of the project undertaken.
As with the Levels 2, 4 and 5 this qualification is accredited by the ACCPH. Applicants will need to have a Batchelors (UK level 6) degree and a recognised qualification in Equine Assisted Services (including Equine Facilitated/Assisted Learning or Psychotherapy).
Applicants who do not have a recognised qualification, but have an established professional practice, can be considered for application through a Certificate of Proficiency process.
- Level 2 Foundation Certificate £1899.00 *
This is the first foundation certificate. Studied either fully online on an interactive and experiential basis or 4 day intensive onsite (globally).
- Level 4 Equine Assisted Services Diploma £2489.00 *
Mix of online, home based self study, case studies which will need to be submitted and an optional two day onsite. The Foundation Certificate is a pre-requisite for the Level 4 Equine Assisted Services Diploma.
- Level 5 Equine Assistd Services Diploma £1989.00 *
Mix of online, home based self study with an extended written case study and an optional two days onsite. Completion of the Foundation Certificate and the Level 4 Equine Assisted Services Diploma is a necessary pre-requisite.
- Level 7 PG Cert. in Equine Assisted Services £1989.00 *
One year study based on personal research and analytical assessment leading to a post-graduate certificate. Contact Athena Herd Foundation for more information.
* A 10% additional charge may be raised against pre-agreed payment plans.