Accredited Practitioner Register Requirements of Registration

Declaration of Compliance

Application to the Register, and ongoing annual membership thereof means agreement to, and a declaration of compliance with, the following (where appropriate):

  • I confirm that the information provided by me in support of my application or annual renewal of registration is complete and accurate.
  • I confirm that the completion of the registration checklist and signature attached serves as confirmation of my declaration of compliance.
  • I confirm that I have an ongoing professional practice and commit to undertaking appropriate CPD to keep my skills up to date should there have been a gap in my professional practice (over 2 years).
  • I confirm and agree that I will abide by the Register’s Ethical Basis for Good Practice and Framework of Professional Standards.
  • I confirm that I will never take advantage of, nor enter into, any inappropriate physical or emotional relationships, with a client or service user.
  • I will keep my client’s affairs confidential at all times.
  • I shall never advise clients to discontinue any treatment prescribed by a GP or any other registered medical practitioner and shall at all times respect the integrity of other health care professionals.
  • I shall not claim to have qualifications or credentials I have not earned or offer therapy or coaching in any modality for which I do not hold a qualification. Neither shall I use designated letters to which I am not entitled.
  • I will not become or remain a member of any organisation that has been found to be dangerous or fraudulent and may cause detriment to the Register.
  • I will notify the Register any unspent convictions or restrictions that prevent me working with children and vulnerable adults.
  • I will accept the authority of the Register, including any decisions reached by its Professional Complaints Review Committee regarding any breach of Professional Standards, the Ethical Bases of Good Practice and this Declaration of Compliance, including suspension or termination of my membership for infringement of these commitments and that any such.
  • I accept that any findings or sanctions imposed where considered in the public interest will be published online on the Register’s Professional Conduct Notices webpage.
  • I commit to having in place, and maintaining compliance with, a core set of policies, including a general set of terms and conditions that support my practice.
  • I will make my membership of the Register clear on my own website, including the use of the correct logo provided by the register. Alongside this information I will make clear that the Register provides a means of raising concerns or complaints about the service or the provider of those services.
  • I confirm and agree that I will abide by and align to the Register’s Framework for the Ethical Treatment for Horses and provide a clear route for registrants or service users to raise concerns about the treatment of horses engaged in the provision of services.
  • I confirm and agree that I will maintain correct, complete and up to date personal and professional details on my personal “Profile” page of the Athena Herd Foundation website as required for the Register.
  • I confirm that I maintain current professional indemnity insurance sufficient to my area(s) of practice, and that I will submit current copies of said policy.
  • • I confirm that I will engage where appropriate with my Local Authority to ensure that all applicable licensing is in place (or confirmed as not required in line with The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018
  • I confirm and agree that I will ensure that I undertake and record continuing professional development (CPD) in line with the Register’s requirements.
  • I confirm and agree that I will ensure that I have appropriate supervision in place in line with the Register’s guidelines, one hour with every 25 of practice or, at least one hour per eight weeks, dependent upon levels of Equine Interactions being facilitated. It is noted that supervision levels may be more demanding for other memberships.
  • I confirm and agree that I will not make false or unsubstantiated claims about the benefit of Equine Facilitated or Assisted work or in any way undermine the services provided through conventional medicine and health care.
  • I confirm and agree that I understand that confirmation of my compliance with professional conduct details may be disclosed to relevant parties, where deemed necessary or obligatory.
  • I confirm that I understand and agree that non-compliance with this declaration precedent to registration can lead to the withdrawal and/or suspension of membership of the Register.
  • I confirm that I am aware that the Register is accessible to the public via the Athena Herd Foundation website and as such I agree that information regarding my name, geographical location, contact details, and membership status is freely available.
  • I confirm that I have never been the subject of formal disciplinary findings or upheld complaints, or been suspended from any professional or regulatory body.
  • I confirm that in addition to submitted documents and confirmations that if required I will make all documents and records available as required under the audit requirements of the Register, including evidence of any complaints raised.
  • I confirm, in completing this application or renewal, that I have read and agree to be bound the Athena Herd Foundation Terms and Conditions as amended and updated from time to time, (Terms and Conditions).

Documentation required for registration

  • Copies of appropriate equine interaction related qualifications, and any other supported practice
  • Copy of a “Certificate of Proficiency” from the Register where required or appropriate
  • Membership of associated professional bodies, lists or registers and membership numbers
  • General terms and conditions
  • Data Protection/Privacy Policy
  • Data Retention Policy
  • Complements and Complaints Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Client waiver form
  • Current Professional Indemnity Insurance          
  • Copies of appropriate Risk Assessment(s)
  • Confirmation of ongoing commitment to Supervision obligations within professional registrations
  • Proof of current First Aid qualification or commitment to working only where onsite First-aiders are onsite.
  • Confirmation that (where appropriate) up to date DBS checks are in place (or regional equivalent)
  • Confirmation that client waivers and session records are being maintained
  • Statement of completed CPD hours in the last 12 months (not required for first year)