Outlining Different Memberships
There are three types of membership presented on the Members Map. Filters are in place which enable visitors to select different levels of practitioners.
Practitioners are defined as follows:
1. Athena Members
Athena Members are individuals who have completed the Athena Herd Foundation Learning arm’s training in Equine Facilitated Interaction qualifications. All qualifications are externally accredited by the ACCPH. An Athena Member has completed professional qualifications with Athena Herd Foundation but have not registered their operating standards, policies or procedures.’
2. Registered Practitioner (Athena)
A Registered Practitioner is an Athena Member that has qualified up to at least Level 4 (Athena offers qualifications at levels, 2, 4, 5 and 7), as well as having been recognised as practicing in line with Athena’s defined professional standards and maintains the expected range of policies and procedures.
Whilst having similar professional practices in place Registered Practitioners are not formally governed under the framework of the Accredited Practitioner Register, this may be arise if they are practicing outside the Professional Standards Authority’s UK jurisdiction, or working principally with modalities not recognised within that framework.
3. Accredited Practitioner (PSA)
An Accredited Practitioner (PSA) is a practitioner member of the Accredited Practitioner Register, which is register accredited in the UK by the Professional Standards Authority under its accredited register programme.
Accredited Practitioners hold appropriate qualifications and have in place confirmed standards of professional practice align to the conditions of membership. The Register’s Registration pages clearly outline the detail of these commitments.
Accredited Practitioner membership is not limited to those who have completed the Athena Herd Foundation’s qualifications. The Register’s Standards of Education and Training make clear what other qualifications will be recognised.