APR Application Pack

Accredited Practitioner Register™

The Accredited Practitioner Register™ (the “Register”) was set up to define a set of professional standards supporting the delivery of Equine Assisted and Facilitated Interactions.

Membership of the Register represents an adherence to standards of competence, professional and ethical behaviour, and general business practice as defined on the Register’s website in alignment to the terms of accreditation defined by the Professional Standards Authority.

Standards of Education and Training

The Register recognises a minimum of a Level 4 qualification in Equine Facilitated or Assisted Interactions, as well appropriate qualifications in any registered therapeutic activities.

These are clearly defined in Register’s Standards of Education and Training which outlines the qualifications that are considered appropriate for application. It also recognises that some practitioners who may have an existing practice but no formal equine-related qualifications; such individuals can apply for a Certificate of Proficiency to support their application. More information is available on the Register’s website.

Non-UK Residence and /or Practice

PSA regulation is limited to those resident in, or practicing within, the UK. Non-UK residents can apply for membership, but will not be regulated under the PSA umbrella, although such membership still requires practitioners to adhere to the Register’s standards and conditions.


The objective of the Register serves to:
• create and maintain professional ethics and standards that prioritise the health and wellbeing of clients and public and protects them from harm or injury;
• promote and maintain client confidence and public credibility in the benefits of Equine Assisted or Facilitated Interactions and the delivery thereof;
• provide a clear definition of professional standards required to support the delivery of Equine Assisted and Facilitated Interactions;
• maintain ongoing compliance with these standards by all registered Practitioners.